The short answer is no. Divorce, in and of itself, does not cause cancer. Cancer is ranked as one of the most dreadful diseases can as well be caused by divorce. During this time a person is going through a lot of physical, emotional, financial and mental torture and so it can lead to hormonal imbalance in your body.
This happens when there is too much or too little of hormones in your bloodstream. Hormones play a big part into how the body functions.They are produced by endocrine gland and travel the whole body through the bloodstream administering how different organ will perform.
However, studies have shown that hormonal imbalance can put women at risk of contracting cancer. It happens mostly when they are exposed to high high level of estrogen and progesterone released by their ovaries. Being exposed for a long time to this hormone has been linked to increasing risk of women contracting cancer.
Stress also have been link to being a cause of cancer. Research has shown people expose exposed to tough event in life like divorce are at a higher risk of contracting cancer.
Cancer is dangerous and it has been classified into two major types that is “Benign” and “Malignant.” Benign is mostly referred to a tumor which is the abnormal growth of cells that serves no purpose in the body. This type of cancer is not cancerous as compared to malignant. Malignant cancer is cancerous meaning it evades the nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body within no time.
Major types of cancer
Narrowing down from Benign and malignant cancer, they are further classified into five more major cancers.young and old are prone to contracting them so let’s have a look at them.
This type of cancer begins with the epithelial tissues of the skin. In simple term its a skin cancer. Carcinoma can spread to other part of the body so it fall under malignant cancer. There are five types of carcinoma:
● Basal cell carcinoma
In this type of a carcinoma, the body cell develops in the basal cells layer of the skin or the lower part of the epidermis. It usually grows slowly and really does it spread to other cells.
● Squamous cell carcinoma
This type of cancer develop from the first layer of the skin which is the epidermis. Squamous cell carcinoma usually grow slowly and they does not spread easily but still they can spread to other fatty tissues beneath the skins or ever even spread further. They are more worse than basal carcinoma.
● Renal cell carcinoma
This is a very common type of a carcinoma. It is the cancer of the kidney. The cancerous cells develop in the lining of the very small tubes of kidney called tubules.
● Ductal carcinoma in situ
This type of cancer is characterised by cancerous cells confined to the lining of the milk duct and have not spread through the duct walls into surrounding breast tissue. The cancer is dangerous and left untreated it can spread to other parts of the body.
● Invasive ductal carcinoma
This type of breast cancer starts in a milk duct but spreads into the fatty tissue of the breast. It can spread to other parts of the body through the lymph system and bloodstream.
Sarcoma cancer is a tumor that basically forms itself in the connective tissue which connects other parts of the body. It is not as common as carcinomas and its a rare type of a cancer. It mostly forms in the bones, muscles, tendons,nerves ,fat, blood vessels of arms and legs and cartilages.
This cancer type is is also known as malignant melanoma. It develops from the pigment-containing cells. This cells are known as melanocytes. They typically occurs in the skin but rarely do they occur in the mouth, intestines or in the eyes. It is likely to start from the skin and later spread to other parts of the body without warning. Again this cancer may start near or in a mole orother dark spot on the skin.
In most cases this cancer is caused by ultraviolet rays especially when exposed or a long time.people who are likely to get melanoma have many mole, irregular moles and large moles.
Melanoma cancers are of our types:
● Superficial spreading melanoma
Its commonly seen among the young people and grows along the top layer of the skin for sometime before penetrating more deeply into the body. There are simple signs that you would be keen to look like lumps on the skin, flattened discolored patch that has irregular borders.
● Lentigo maligna
This cancer is similar to superficial melanoma as a spreading type,this is because it also remains close to the skin surface for a while. It appears as a flat or mildly elevated mottled tan, brown or dark brown discoloration. This type of in situ melanoma is found most often in the elderly, arising on chronically sun-exposed, damaged skin on the face, ears, arms and upper trunk. In most cases it is very common to very hot place .
● Acral lentiginous melanoma
Acral lentiginous melanoma spread superficially before penetrating deeper into the skin. It’s quite different from the others and usually appears as a black or brown discoloration under the nails or on the soles of the feet or palms of the hands. This type of melanoma is sometimes found on dark-skinned people and tends to advance more often than superficial spreading melanoma and lentigo maligna because it is detected later on.
● Nodular melanoma
Nodular melanoma is usually very aggressive the first time is diagnosed. This disease is recognised when it forms a bump on the skin which appears black but occasionally blue, gray, white, brown, tan or red on the skin.
This is a type of cancer that develops along the lymphatic system and lymph nodes. It affects a type of white blood cells known as lymphocytes which help to fight diseases in the body. Mostly it happens to young adults under the age of 15 to 24 years. Just like the rest, it is malignant as it can spread through the bloodstream all over the whole body.
There are two major of lymphoma cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Hodgkin’s lymphoma have large cancerous cells called Reed-Sternberg while Non- Hodgkin’s are three times common and affects the cells that are fast or slow to grow.
Leukemia is a malignant cancer that affects blood cells. In this type of a cancer, blood cells are abnormally produced in the bone marrow. It also involves massive abnormal production of white blood cell in the body.
However, the abnormal cells in leukemia do not function in the same way as normal white blood cells. They continues to grow and divide, eventually crowding out the normal blood cells. The end result is that it becomes difficult for the body to fight infections, control bleeding, and transport oxygen.
There are four types of leukemia
● Acute lymphocytic leukemia
This kind of leukemia progresses very fast replacing healthy cells that produces functional lymphocytes cells with leukemia cells. This cells cannot mature properly and so affects the normal functioning of the body.
● Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
This cancer grows slowly and begins in lymphocytes in the bone marrow and extends into the blood. It may also spread to lymph nodes and organs such as the liver and spleen. Chronic lymphoma cancer develops when too many abnormal lymphocytes grow, crowding out normal blood cells and making it difficult for the body to fight infection.
● chronic myeloid leukemia
This type of leukemia is also known as chronic myelogenous leukemia. It begins in the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow and then spreads over time to other blood cells in the body.
● Acute myeloid leukemia
This leukemia is also known as acute myelogenous leukemia. Basically what happens here is thee is fast -growing of cancerous blood cells. It’s actually the fastest form of cancer of bone marrow and blood at large.
Causes of cancer
Causes of cancer are so many starting from change in lifestyle, technology, natural factors among other factors. You will find like everything we are using everyday is cancerous. However, there is a lot of fear and every time you feel pain twice at a specific place in your body, you tend to think it’s cancer. Everybody should strive to avoid the following causes of cancer.
➢ Genetically-modified organisms
Due to lifestyle changes, people have turned to GMOs foods which has been linked to an increase in cancer late. This GMOs are cancerous and the chemicals used to grow them are not fit for the bodies. Science have proved it over and over again that genetically processed food are source of cancer yet we see it over. The way you can avoid them is by sticking to certified organic, certified non-GMO verified, and locally-grown foods that are produced naturally without biotechnology.
➢ Processed meat products
Any processed meat have preservative chemicals that make them fresh and the same time, research has shown that such products put a higher risk to cancer. Most people who use products like bacon, sausages and hot dog are prone to cancer.
The sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate have been linked to significantly increase the risk of colon and other forms of cancer, so be sure to choose only uncured meat products made without nitrates, and preferably from natural food fed sources.
➢ Smoking and tobacco use.
Smoking tobacco products has been ranked the number one risk factor for lung cancer. The longer and more frequently that one smokes, the higher the risk becomes. Smoking can also cause or contribute to cancers of the esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon, and rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia.
➢ Through family inheritance
Over the years, it has been proven that cancer can be transferred genetically from one generation to another. Sometimes you will find that a certain type of cancer runs in some families. In other cases you will find that It can caused by an abnormal gene that is passed from one generation to another into a certain family.
➢ Radiation Exposure
This leads mostly to skin cancer. People who have very low production of the color pigment, melanin, are prone to contracting skins cancer especially due to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Another environmental exposure is radon gas, which may be present in the soil and can build up in your home. You may also be exposed due to medical imaging for example the x-rays.
➢ Alcohol and other toxic drinks
Alcohol is an irritant that can damage cells and promote the production of carcinogenic chemicals in the colon.This eventually can put you to a higher risk of getting colon cancer.
Frequent use of alcohol can also lead to mouth cancer, throat and esophagus cancer. Again long term use of alcohol has been linked to liver and breast cancer.
➢ Obesity
Obesity is a leading cause of cancer. It raises the risk of breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and kidney cancer, among others. Excess fat cells produce more of the hormones estrogen and insulin, which promote cancer growth.
Achieving or maintaining a healthy body weight can reduce your risks. It is good for you to exercise more to eradicate the unwanted fats in the body.
➢ Stress
Stress can be bought by many thing and it affects the normal functioning of the body. During this period, there is abnormal release of hormone especially in women which eventually can lead to cancer. Another point to note is that when people are stressed, they engage so much in drinking alcohol.
Studies show that this is a major factor which causes cancer. Normally when stressed you can not observe your diet, you are not able to eat healthy food and this puts you at a higher risk of getting cancer. There are so many things about cancer that are linked to stress so you better avoid it. When you are stressed look for something that could keep you busy and engaged.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
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West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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