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Do Divorced Parents Enjoy Getting a Break From Children?

Do Divorced Parents Enjoy Getting a Break From Children?

This has to do with the way children are raised, how parents treat their children, and the importance of the family unit.

The evidence is clear: children who live with their divorced parents enjoy getting a break from them. The parent child relationship is as important as it was before divorce, but this time it is more important that the kids like their parents and want to spend time with them.

There are two arguments for this. One is that kids who live with one parent 50% of the time and another 25% of the time feel like they don’t have a permanent home. This can cause emotional stress and mental illness. The other argument is that if the parents take turns switching off days or weeks then each parent has to be on top of things so they do not get stuck with taking care of the children all week. If they do then they will have to hire a babysitter or family member to watch the kids while they work. Having to work all week or having to worry about taking care of your own kids all week when you are supposed to be working can cause stress, which is bad for your health and well being.

Here are some interesting quotes from the news of the Journal of Family Relations who did a sutdy of 632 divorees from Ohio State University:

“The most surprising finding is that the vast majority of parents in both types of custody arrangements reported that they enjoyed spending time away from their children,” said Sarah Hanson, co-author and associate professor of family life at OSU. “This fact challenges existing beliefs about how parents feel about joint physical custody.”

The news release also says:

“In general, parents reported feeling closer to their children after a time away from them,” said Hanson. “And many felt that spending time away from their children was good for the children.”

In addition, here is some information about the study from an OSU press release about it:

“”Our results show that joint physical custody is associated with a parent-child relationship quality equivalent

I am a divorced parent with joint custody. I take my kids every other weekend, and sometimes during the week. My ex-wife also has a new partner, which means that we’re both getting a break from our children.

Our arrangement was made easier by the divorce and family court system. It is possible, though not easy, for parents to get the same amount of time with their children as they had before divorce—at least if the child in question is older than six or so. But it’s not just judges who think it’s good for kids to have time with both parents; social science suggests it as well.

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Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506

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Michael Anderson
People who want a lot of Bull go to a Butcher. People who want results navigating a complex legal field go to a Lawyer that they can trust. That’s where I come in. I am Michael Anderson, an Attorney in the Salt Lake area focusing on the needs of the Average Joe wanting a better life for him and his family. I’m the Lawyer you can trust. I grew up in Utah and love it here. I am a Father to three, a Husband to one, and an Entrepreneur. I understand the feelings of joy each of those roles bring, and I understand the feeling of disappointment, fear, and regret when things go wrong. I attended the University of Utah where I received a B.A. degree in 2010 and a J.D. in 2014. I have focused my practice in Wills, Trusts, Real Estate, and Business Law. I love the thrill of helping clients secure their future, leaving a real legacy to their children. Unfortunately when problems arise with families. I also practice Family Law, with a focus on keeping relationships between the soon to be Ex’s civil for the benefit of their children and allowing both to walk away quickly with their heads held high. Before you worry too much about losing everything that you have worked for, before you permit yourself to be bullied by your soon to be ex, before you shed one more tear in silence, call me. I’m the Lawyer you can trust.