All families at one time or another will have “the” discussion on sexuality. For gay and lesbian families this can be an even more sensitive subject.
A healthy family, regardless of sexual orientation, shares the same core values — love and respect, commitment and understanding. It is especially important when talking with children to stress what these values mean to the family, and to recognize that there are many different cultures, communities and families around the world.
The Family Pride Coalition, a national advocacy and support organization, offers several suggestions for parents discussing sexuality with their children: (1) Be honest about your own identity and comfort level. (2) If you are uncomfortable, let your children know you find this hard to talk about, but that you feel it is important for families to talk about difficult things. (3) Listen closely to your child, and when possible let your children take the lead. Let them ask questions. Take cues about their level of understanding from the questions they ask, and interact at that level. (4) Be as clear as you can be about your own feelings connected to sexuality, coming out, privacy, and family values. (5) Consider your child’s age and how much information they need.
Once an adoption is completed, the business of family life begins. Like all adoptive parents, gay men and lesbians are seeking ways to incorporate their children into their lives and to help them make a smooth transition. They also want to meet other homosexuals who have taken on the challenge of parenting. There are a growing number of support groups to meet these needs.
Jose and Enrique, a multiethnic gay couple who adopted 3-year-old Isabel as a toddler, are members of an active group in the area. “Speaking to the parents of older children gives us ideas of how to cope with issues as they come up. Most of the members are women. We could use a few more men!”
Isabel, who is African-American, has the chance to meet other African-American adopted children and enjoys the many activities planned for families. Their group is part of a larger support network, Family Pride that serves more than 250 gay and lesbian families in the Delaware Valley. In addition to giving its members a chance to socialize, the group’s advocacy and educational projects encourage parents to work with teachers on adoption, race, and alternative family issues that affect their children. Members participate in conferences, receive local and national newsletters, and learn about books and articles for themselves and their children. Older children of gay parents have formed their own network, Colage — Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere.
A vital support network of family and friends is important for any family — adoptive, biological, one with heterosexual parents, or one with homosexual parents. Some gay and lesbian adoptive parents have found that even if their parents had a difficult time accepting their homosexuality, the parents readily accept their new role as grandparents. It is almost as if having children makes them more like mainstream families. “Our parents reacted to our desire to parent pretty much the same way they reacted to our coming out,” says Tim Fisher, father of two and former Executive Director of the Family Pride Coalition (formerly Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International). “They said, ‘We love you…but let’s not talk about it.’ With the kids, they have softened their tone a little. They are grandparents who adore their grandchildren.”
LGBTQ Adoption Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with an LGBTQ Adoption in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
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West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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