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  • What Happens If You Die Without A Will?

    If you die without a will, there are immediate legal ramifications. State intestacy laws kick in, deciding for you how your assets will be distributed, quite possibly contrary to what…

  • Working with a Personal Injury Attorney in Utah: What You Need to Know

    Imagine driving home from work on a normal day when suddenly, another driver runs a red light and collides with your vehicle, leaving you injured and facing a mountain of…

  • Are Divorce Records Public in Utah?

    Utah residents may question the public accessibility of their divorce records. Before diving into the specifics of Utah, let’s briefly touch upon the general landscape of divorce records. You can…

  • Trust Dos And Don’ts

    A trust is the legal relationship between one person, the trustee, having an equitable ownership or management of certain property and another person, the beneficiary, owning the legal title to…

  • Creditor Claims Against Retirement Assets

    Creditor claims is defined as written claim filed in federal bankruptcy court by a person or entity owed money by a debtor who has filed for bankruptcy. A written claim…

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Right Divorce Lawyer

    Divorce is a life-altering decision, fraught with a host of emotional, financial, and legal complexities. Often, it’s a path strewn with tough questions: Who gets custody of the children? How…