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Laws for Registered Sex Offenders in Utah

sex offenders

Sex offenders in Utah have to abide by a variety of laws when they are out in the community. For registered sex offenders, the restrictions include things that can have a great impact on the daily activities of the sex offender. While all registered sex offenders have restrictions, they are often greater for a person who is convicted of a sex-related crime against a minor.

Sex Offenders In Utah Face Strict Registration Requirements

A registered sex offender who is convicted of a criminal sex act against children has five areas where they aren’t allowed to go. They can’t go into a playground, community park, or swimming pool if those areas are open to the public. They can’t go into a licensed daycare or preschool. They can’t go near a primary or secondary school, whether that school is private or public, that isn’t located on the grounds of the correctional facility.

The Utah sex offender registration laws also dictate how long a person must remain on the registry. The length of registration can last 10 years to a lifetime, depending on the conviction. The person would have to comply with all registration requirements throughout the term for which they must register. One of the requirements is that the person must register changes of address, employment, vehicle, or educational information within three business days of the change.

Failing to comply with the registration requirements can lead to new criminal charges. You should begin working on a defense strategy if you are facing a charge for failing to comply with the registration requirements or if you are facing any other sex-related criminal charges in Utah.

Safe Cam Has A Big Impact On Defense Options In Criminal Cases

Prosecutors who are trying cases have the burden of proof, which means they must prove that the defendant committed the crime that led to the charges. There are some cases that might prove difficult for prosecutors to get the proof they need to meet that burden; however, the difficulty might have lessened a bit because of a new program that the Salt Lake City Police are using.

The new program allows police officers to connect to surveillance cameras. This enables them to look at some crime scenes around the city right from the computer monitor at the precinct.

The program, which is called Safe Cam, pairs business owners with police officers. About a dozen business owners around Salt Lake City have given police officers authorization to access the security cameras on their property if there is a crime committed. Even if business owners don’t allow remote access to the footage, they can use the Safe Cam program to notify police officers that there is a working camera at their location. The officers could then request footage in person if it is needed.

Other similar programs have shown success in larger cities. In those cities, there are more available businesses to participate so the success seems greater. If Salt Lake City can get more business owners and homeowners with security camera on board, it might be a bit easier for police officers to catch people who commit crimes.

The Safe Cam program can play an important role in criminal cases. For defendants, the presence of footage can hurt their case if it does show them at the scene. It could also help them if something on the footage would prove their innocence. With this in mind, it is vital for defendants to learn about any Smart Cam footage that might pertain to their case so they can learn if their defense options are affected.

Free Consultation with Criminal Lawyer

If you need help from a criminal defense attorney, call the experienced lawyers at Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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