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Avoid Motorcycle Accidents at Night

Avoid Motorcycle Accidents at Night

There’s a sense of newfound freedom when you’re driving your motorcycle out on the open roads in Utah, but that freedom comes with unexpected dangers — especially at night.

In the most recent breakdown of motorcycle accidents by the Insurance Information Institute, 36.2 percent of motorcycle riders in 2013 were injured or killed between the hours of 9 p.m. and midnight. In smaller towns such as West Jordan, Utah which don’t have street lights on back roads, the likelihood of getting in a motorcycle accident rises exponentially — but you can beat the odds of dealing with hospitals and a lawyer if you take the proper safety precautions when riding your motorcycle at night.


Raising the angle of your headlight will help others on the road notice you earlier, even on windy roads in places like West Jordan. Changing the angle of your headlight for most bikes doesn’t require special tools, but every state has different regulations for how high you can aim your headlights, so be sure to be within the guidelines of Utah’s laws or whatever state you live in. You don’t want to have to hire a lawyer just over a headlight claim. You can also install dual headlights along with your single headlight to illuminate your motorcycle’s path even more. Also be sure to check if your headlights have dimmed over time or if your headlight lens is dirty.


When you’re driving your motorcycle at night, it might be best to leave the black leather jacket at home. On dark roads in small towns like West Jordan, you need to make sure you’re visible — or you’ll easily get in a motorcycle accident. Instead, opt for gear with reflectors and consider putting reflector decals on your bike. Even just one reflector on your bike, jacket or helmet will help you light up in the gloomy nights of West Jordan.


It might sound like it should go without saying, but even experienced riders take for granted that they don’t control the road environments around them. When there are cars behind you, be sure to lightly tap your brakes so they can see where you are on the road, and never assume that other drivers are going to obey the rules.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 16 percent of weekend drivers at night are driving under the influence. Police and a lawyer can deal with drunk drivers. You just need to be aware that they’re out there.

Following these simple, common sense steps will give you more time on the open roads in Utah, and you’ll spend less time at hospitals, auto shops or with your lawyer.


With the holidays around the corner, you have a long list of things to finish. Everyone is running around purchasing gifts, meeting up with family and trying to get everywhere they need to be. Don’t ruin your holidays rushing around and end up in a car accident or sustaining a personal injury.

During the winter, personal injuries occur more often than during other seasons. Understand what injuries commonly occur and how you can get through winter season safely.

Car Accidents and Personal Injuries

Car accidents are far more common in the winter. Cold and icy conditions can make it more difficult to control your car. Weather can be a big problem when you’re on the roads, but another major factor when driving is all the people.

There are more drivers on the road driving for the holidays to see their friends and family. Especially on the actual holidays, people are more tempted to get behind the wheel intoxicated. Be careful when driving during the winter.

Getting Hurt with a Slip and Fall

Due to ice and snow, slip and falls become rather common during the winter. While going out to shop or visiting a family member’s home, wear proper shoes to keep you from falling. If you do happen to slip and fall walking into the store in Salt Lake City, Utah, a lawyer can help you decide if you have a good case on your hands as far as your injury is concerned.

Getting Burned and Injured

During the winter, there are more chances to get burned than you might think. Between space heaters, candles and holiday lights, there are injuries hiding around every corner. Be cautious when you are dealing with these materials.

Free Initial Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer

It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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