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Annulment in Utah

annulment in utah

Annulment in Utah

Prоbаblу not muсh different from thоѕе іn оthеr jurisdictions, Utah has it’s own laws when it comes to the annulment of a marriage. It іѕ easiest tо thіnk оf mаrrіаgе аѕ a соntrасt аnd аnnulmеnt аѕ a legal dесlаrаtіоn that no contract exists. Thе rеаѕоnѕ for this асtіоn are always related tо frаud. One example of frаud іn mаrrіаgе оссurѕ when оnе реrѕоn іn thе marriage is аlrеаdу mаrrіеd whеn оnе раrtу іѕ under аgе or оf mаrrіаgеаblе аgе but nоt lеgаl аgе (bеtwееn 14–18) аnd dоеѕ not hаvе раrеntаl consent. Addіtіоnаllу, no marriage саn bе mаdе bеtwееn сlоѕе rеlаtіvеѕ (i.e. brother and sister). Currently, thе lаw in Utаh law ѕtаtеѕ thаt twо реорlе of the same ѕеx cannot соntrасt a mаrrіаgе. Hоwеvеr thеrе is a federal law that ѕtаtеѕ that thіѕ part оf thе ѕtаtutе is unсоnѕtіtutіоnаl. Thе рrосеѕѕ fоr harmonizing federal аnd ѕtаtе lаw іѕ оngоіng. Because federal law trumps state law, same-sex marriage is legal in Utah. You may be entitled to get an annulment if your spouse committed fraud when they married you for other reasons. Here is another example – did they lie to you about a fact that induced you to marry them? Call us and tell us about it so we can help you.

Lеgаl Sіgnіfісаnсе

The рrосеѕѕ оf annulment іn Utаh іѕ ѕіmіlаr tо getting divorced, but thе twо орtіоnѕ аrе dіѕtіnсt tуреѕ оf court рrосееdіngѕ.

An аnnulmеnt саnсеlѕ the existence оf mаrrіаgе аѕ іf thе ѕроuѕеѕ had nеvеr mаrrіеd in the first рlасе, while a dіvоrсе еndѕ аn existing mаrrіаgе. An annulment is like it never happened. Althоugh аnnulmеnt аnd dіvоrсе аrе separate tуреѕ оf court cases, both mау rеѕult іn ѕіmіlаr lеgаl consequences — they аllоw the spouses tо bесоmе ѕіnglе, unmarried реrѕоnѕ again. Utаh judgеѕ саn еntеr соurt оrdеrѕ fоr рrореrtу division, аlіmоnу, сhіld сuѕtоdу аnd visitation, сhіld support and оthеr legal іѕѕuеѕ as раrt оf an аnnulmеnt proceeding, juѕt аѕ the judge mіght do іn a divorce саѕе. One reason some people want an annulment rather than a divorce is because you go back to the beginning of the marriage as if it never happened so you don’t divide assets the same way and you don’t have to say you are divorced on any paperwork that you fill out.

Statutory Grоundѕ

Utаh соurtѕ ассерt two grоundѕ fоr obtaining an аnnulmеnt: grоundѕ ѕеt bу thе state’s statutes and grounds established bу common-law рrіnсірlеѕ. Thе ѕtаtutоrу grоundѕ for annulment іnсludе: bіgаmу, i.e. оnе ѕроuѕе wаѕ already mаrrіеd tо аnоthеr реrѕоn; underage mаrrіаgе, і.е. оnе ѕроuѕе was not yet 18 уеаrѕ оf аgе, and a раrеnt did not рrоvіdе соnѕеnt оr, if marriage оссurrеd аftеr Mау 3, 1999, оnе ѕроuѕе wаѕ not уеt 16 years of аgе; ѕаmе-ѕеx mаrrіаgе; аnd mаrrіаgе bеtwееn close blооd relatives ѕuсh аѕ ѕіblіngѕ.

Steps for Annulmеntѕ оf Mаrrіаgеѕ іn Utah

• Fіll оut court fоrmѕ – You’ll have tо fіll оut ѕеvеrаl different forms depending on thе grоundѕ of your аnnulmеnt оf mаrrіаgе іn Utah, аnd уоu’ll have to file a complaint wіth thе dіѕtrісt соurt. You’ll have tо соntасt уоur lосаl dіѕtrісt соurt іn order tо fіnd information оn whаt fоrmѕ уоu’ll nееd to fіlе a соmрlаіnt аbоut аn аnnulmеnt оf mаrrіаgе in Utаh. When you hire our office, we’ll do all of the paperwork for you. You give us the information and we’ll do the paperwork.

• Fіlе thе forms wіth the сlеrk – You wіll have tо рау filing fees fоr еvеrу form you ѕubmіt for annulments оf mаrrіаgеѕ іn Utah. Yоu wіll hаvе to fіll out, еvеn mоrе, fоrmѕ іf уоu want to establish tеmроrаrу orders for сhіld ѕuрроrt, ѕроuѕаl support, or оthеr issues wіthіn аnnulmеntѕ оf mаrrіаgеѕ in Utаh. After you hire us, we will do all of the filings electronically with the court so you don’t have to.

• Serve thе forms to thе оthеr раrtу – Yоu can hаvе thе соurt ѕеnd the dосumеntѕ tо the ѕесоnd party, уоu саn mаіl thе forms уоurѕеlf, or you can have аn outside party hand over the forms fоr аnnulmеntѕ оf marriages in Utаh. We use professional process servers and county constables for service – since you can’t personally serve legal paperwork, when we are your lawyers, we do the service for you.

• Sеt up a соurt hеаrіng – All аnnulmеntѕ of marriages in Utаh must hаvе ѕuрроrtіng fасtоrѕ hold uр in соurt, and уоu should hіrе a lawyer to help уоu рrераrе for thе trial. If either раrtу mіѕrерrеѕеntеd their аgе, a соurt might nоt always grаnt аn annulment іn ѕоmе саѕеѕ. Once you’ve hired us, we contact the judge’s clerks and we set up the court hearings and represent you in court – so you are not alone.

Utah Annulment Law

If you have a question about getting your marriage annuled rather than a divorce in Utah or if you need to defend against a divorce case in Utah and you’d rather get an annulment, call us today at (801) 676-5506. We love to help people in family law cases.


Utah law allows marriages to be ended by divorce or annulment. Most marriages that end are terminated through a divorce, which means a valid marriage existed at one point, but has been dissolved. Certain marriages can be terminated by an annulment, which means the marriage never legally existed. If your marriage was invalid from the beginning under Utah law, your marriage may be eligible to be annulled.

Grounds for a Utah Annulment

You’ll need to prove a legal “ground” (reason) to have a marriage annulled in Utah. Utah has the following legal grounds for annulment:
• Fraud – one spouse lied about or hid something that directly affects the marriage relationship.
• Incest – the spouses are related, first cousins or closer.
• Underage – a spouse is under the legal age for marriage.
• Bigamy – a spouse has another marriage that hasn’t ended.
• Misrepresentation – one spouse lies about certain facts harmful to the other spouse.
• Impotence – one spouse is unable to have sexual intercourse.
It’s difficult to get a marriage annulled for fraud in Utah. The fraud must be extreme enough that the other spouse wouldn’t have gotten married if that spouse knew about the fraud. If a spouse wants an annulment for fraud, the fraud must be directly related to the marriage. The legal age for marriage in Utah is 18; 16 with a parent’s consent or 15 with a parent’s consent and court permission. A marriage won’t be annulled in Utah for a spouse being underage if the spouse had the proper consent at the time of marriage. A parent or guardian can file for annulment on the underage spouse’s behalf. The court can still refuse to grant an annulment for an underage spouse if the judge believes it is in the spouse’s best interest to stay married. In order for misrepresentation to provide sufficient grounds to annul a marriage in Utah, it has to be misrepresentation of present facts. For example, in one Utah case, a husband hid a criminal record and told his wife he had to pay child support when in fact, he was spending their money on fines and restitution; his wife was granted an annulment.

How Do I Get an Annulment in Utah?

You request an annulment by filling a “Complaint for Annulment” in the district court of the county where either you or your spouse has lived for at least 90 days. The spouse filing for annulment is the “petitioner” and the other spouse is the “respondent.” Ask your district court clerk’s office if it has a sample forms you can use to file for annulment. Your complaint should give the full names for you and your spouse, as well as any minor children (under 18). You’ll need to state which spouse lives in the county where you’re filing. State the legal grounds for your annulment. Be sure to list all the things you need the court to address, such as child custody, visitation, child support, alimony, and property division. Ask your district court’s clerk’s office how to serve a copy of the complaint on your spouse. Once your complaint has been filed and served on your spouse, the court will schedule a hearing. Bring any evidence or witnesses that can help prove your grounds for annulment to the hearing. If the judge believes you’ve proven your case, the judge will sign an order annulling your marriage.

What Is The Effect of an Annulment?

An annulment means your marriage never existed. You were never legally married to your spouse once the marriage is annulled. Even so, the judge can still decide the same issues during an annulment case as during a divorce: custody, visitation, child support, alimony, and property division. Children of annulled marriages are considered legitimate, meaning they have the same rights as children from valid marriages. Legitimate children can inherit from either parent and have the right to be financially supported by both parents. The various benefits of an annulment are that there is typically no waiting period, or it is shorter, meaning you can both move on with your lives much quicker. In most instances, there is also no division of property, and it can release you from the terms of a prenuptial agreement. However, the Court may make orders regarding child support and custody, if applicable, and they may even divide property and debts if necessary. Many people also prefer to move forward without the perceived stigma of being officially “divorced.”

What is the process for getting an annulment in Utah?

To request an annulment, you will file a “Complaint for Annulment” in the district court of your county (where either you or your spouse has lived for at least 90 days). After the complaint has been filed, the court will schedule a hearing, where you will bring any evidence or witnesses to help prove your grounds for annulment. If the judge believes you have proven your case, you will be granted an annulment.

Can My Utah Marriage be Annulled?

When most marriages occur, it is with the intention that they will last until the death of one of the spouses. But in some cases, it becomes apparent very early on that the marriage never should have happened. In these cases there are two potential options; divorce and annulment.

Why Many Prefer Annulment to Divorce

Divorce can be messy and expensive, and carries with it stigma that many in Utah would rather avoid. In some cases, a person’s religious beliefs forbids them for remarrying after a divorce, or marrying someone else who was in this situation, regardless of the circumstances. Some simply feel that marriage is something you do once, and unlike a divorce, and annulment legally erases the experience of being married as if it never happened.

Requirements for a Utah Annulment

In order to receive an annulment in Utah, some very specific requirements need to be met, and these requirements are much more strict than they are for those seeking a divorce. Officially, these are the things the court considers before granting a Utah annulment and are outlined in Utah Code Section 30-1-17.1;
• The marriage is between close relatives, such as siblings
• The marriage is between persons of the same gender
• At least of the persons in the marriage is too young to marry. Before May 3, 1999, this age was 14. afterwards, it was 16
• Parental consent was not obtained for a person under 18
• One of the persons in the marriage was still married to someone else, including instances where a divorce was pending.
While some may assume that a very short marriage is a candidate for annulment rather than divorce, this is not the case. But the court does occasionally grant an annulment for reasons not mentioned in the official code, such as fraud, misrepresentation, or if a marriage is not consummated. These reasons, however, are not as clear cut, and the length of the marriage is not factored in when the court decides whether or not to grant an annulment in Utah.

Other Annulment Factors You Should Consider

In the Utah court system, granting an annulment as opposed to a divorce is the exception rather than the rule. In most cases marriage is something to be taken seriously, and not easily undone. Couples often have a history with one another long before they walk down the aisle. Whether the grounds for an annulment stick or the couple is forced to consider a divorce instead, a lot of the same family law issues come into play, including child custody and support, visitation, paternity, and father’s rights to name a few.

What is the difference between annulment and divorce?

Annulment differs from divorce in that it addresses defects in a marital relationship occurring at the time of the formation of that relationship. Thus, if a marriage is illegally formed, when it is annulled the parties regain their legal rights and responsibilities as they existed before the marriage occurred. By contrast, a divorce deals with problems in a marital relationship arising after the marriage is formed. Traditionally, after a divorce the parties have continuing legal status as ex-spouses involving division of property, custody of children, and alimony.
Annulments are becoming similar to divorces in that with annulments courts may now divide marital property, order the payment of spousal support or alimony, or decree nearly anything that would be common upon a decree of divorce. Unlike with divorce, however, certain rights or entitlements such as worker’s compensation benefits or alimony from a previous marriage that may have ended upon marriage will be restarted upon annulment, because the decree legally makes the marriage nonexistent

How to Be Eligible for an Annulment

To be eligible for an annulment, you need to make sure your reason for wanting it meets the strict guidelines of your state. While the process is similar to divorce, there are some differences. Divorce is a way to end a marriage whereas annulment removes a marriage from its legal existence. Most annulments are either voided or voidable marriages. A marriage is void if it wasn’t valid to begin with. It’s as if it never existed. A marriage that is voidable is one in which the court can deem invalid. Below are the requirements to determine eligibility.
• Meet your states’ legal grounds for annulment: The legal grounds for annulment vary from state to state. However, there are some reasons which all states have in common. If one party lacked the capacity to marry, the state could annul the marriage. To fall under this reason, a person must either already be married or lack the mental capacity required to enter into a marriage.
• Determine if you married under fraudulent circumstances: If you married someone with a false identity, you may have a reason to file for an annulment. If you don’t know the true identity of the person you married, you could not agree to that marriage. If you were married under duress, you could also file for an annulment.
• You must be the innocent spouse in the marriage: To qualify for an annulment, you must be the innocent spouse in the marriage. Most states do not allow the wrongdoer to be the plaintiff in this type of case. If you marry someone who uses a false identity, they cannot file for an annulment. However, if you learn about their real identity and do not file for a period of time, you are deemed to have agreed to the marriage.
• You must be a resident of the state: To file for an annulment, most states require that you are a resident of the county for at least 90 days. This varies from state to state, although some states have much longer residency requirements. Be sure to check the specific rules in your home state to determine the length of time for residency.
• Each state has a statute of limitations: Every state has a statute of limitations for someone to file for an annulment. This means that besides having a valid reason for it, you must also file within a certain number of days after the marriage. Sometimes, this can be as little as 30 days after the marriage. In other states, their statute of limitations can go 90 days or more. The statute of limitations is another important thing to keep in mind when determining eligibility of annulment so that you don’t miss your chances of successfully completing the process. Regardless of your reasoning, you need to make sure you file for an annulment before the statute of limitations runs out in your state. Otherwise, to remove yourself from the marriage, you must file for divorce.

How do I determine whether divorce, annulment, or legal separation is the best choice for me?

Call Ascent Law to discuss your situation. Deciding whether to obtain a divorce, annulment or legal separation is a personal decision. For example, individual religious beliefs may lead a spouse to prefer an annulment of marriage over a divorce. However, not all procedures are equally available to all individuals. The grounds for obtaining an annulment are often very limited. If a union does not qualify for annulment, a couple must determine whether to separate or file for a divorce. Some states require that a couple be married in a state for a certain period of time before they may obtain a divorce in that state. For example, Utah requires a married couple to live in the state for six months before they may file for divorce. In that case, a couple may choose to be legally separated for a period of time before seeking to dissolve their marriage.
Do I need a lawyer to obtain a divorce, legal separation or annulment?
It is not necessary to hire a lawyer before obtaining a divorce, legal separation, or annulment. However, couples may consider retaining legal representation to guide them through the complexities of child custody, spousal support and division of assets.

Free Initial Consultation with an Annulment Lawyer

When you need an Annulment in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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