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How Do I Adopt My Grandchild?

The Situations That Dictate If A Grandparent Can Get Custody
How Do I Adopt My Grandchild

Child custody rights determine who a child lives with when the child’s parents are legally separated, divorced, or deceased. This person is generally referred to as the custodial parent. The custodial parent is responsible for providing for the child’s basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Additionally, the person who is granted custody rights is responsible for making important life decisions on behalf of the child.

Some examples of such decisions include, but may not be limited to:
• Whether the child receives any religious indoctrination;
• Whom the child associates with;
• Where the child will attend school; and
• Decisions related to medical care.

Generally speaking, the child’s parents are the parties who will be considered when determining who should be granted custody rights. Grandparents getting custody of their grandchildren is somewhat of a rare occurrence, and usually only happens when one or both of the child’s parents have died or have been deemed unfit to care for the child. Whether a parent is unfit to care for their child is determined by the court alone.

Each state has its own laws which determine when to allow grandparents to have custody of their grandchild. Because it is presumed that parents have the right to determine who may have a relationship or contact with their child, courts have decided that grandparents do not have a constitutional right to their grandchild.

Additionally, although they may have a strong relationship with the child, states are generally hesitant to separate the family unit by granting custody rights to grandparents. The exception would be cases involving death or unfit parenting as mentioned above. If it is determined that it would be in the best interest of the child for their grandparent to be granted custody rights, the courts will consider a few different factors. They will assess the frequency of contact with the child, and determine whether there is a meaningful relationship between the child and the grandparent. Additionally, the court will assess whether it would actually be in the child’s best interest for that relationship to continue in a custodial manner.

When Will a Court Allow Grandparents to Have Custody?

As previously mentioned, a court might grant custody of a grandchild when the child’s parents are either unable or unwilling to raise their child. The grandparents must demonstrate that they are fit to raise the child; custody will not automatically be granted simply because they are the child’s grandparent.

The court will assess how long the parents have been unable to care for the child, and whether the grandparents requesting custody have been caring for the child during this time. The court may determine that a parent is unfit for several different reasons. Some examples include, but may not be limited to:
• The child is residing in an unsafe home;
• The parent somehow endangers the child’s well-being;
• The parent is involved in child abuse or neglect;
• The parent has abused drugs and/or alcohol; or
• The parent is mentally ill or physically disabled to the point that they are unable to adequately care for their child.

Some examples of the factors that a court considers when deciding whether to grant grandparent custody have already been mentioned. Other examples include:
• The grandparents’ financial ability to care for the child;
• The grandparents’ physical and mental health;
• Whether the child expresses a desire to live with their grandparents; and
• Whether a healthy emotional bond already exists between the child and their grandparents.

To further clarify what the court is looking for, they will consider whether the petitioning grandparents are mobile, and are able to be present and an active participant in the child’s life. The court will consider whether the grandparents are financially capable of caring for the child’s medical care and daily living expenses in addition to meeting their own financial needs. Finally, the court will assess how awarding custody rights to the grandparents will affect the child’s relationship with other family members, specifically any living parent.

Some examples of the types of custody arrangements that are available to eligible grandparents include:

• Adoption: As previously mentioned, many courts are especially apprehensive of permanently terminating the legal relationship between a child and their biological parents. If adoption is allowed by the state, the grandparents will become the child’s legal parents;
• Foster Care: When the child’s parents are unable or unwilling to care for their child, the state could assume legal responsibility for the child. They would then temporarily place the child in the foster care system, and the foster parents are responsible for the child’s daily needs. Generally speaking, most states will attempt to place the child in the home of a close relative, in an effort to maintain some sense of normalcy for the child. A grandparent may be considered for foster care;
• Legal Guardianship: Under a legal guardianship arrangement, the child’s parents continue to retain their parental rights. However, a court order or legal document will give the grandparents the authority to care for the child;
Power of Attorney: When a power of attorney is properly executed, the grandparent is given the authority to make specific decisions about the child. It is important to note that they are limited to the circumstances described within the power of attorney, and the power of attorney can be terminated at any time by the child’s parent;
• Shared Custody: Shared custody between parents and grandparents works much in the same way as shared custody between two parents. Parenting responsibilities are divided equally between the child’s parents and grandparents; and/or
• Visitation Rights: Some states may allow for grandparent visitation rights, even if the state does not allow for other custody arrangements. A grandparent would begin this process by petitioning the court for court ordered visitation rights.

It is important to note that the above are variations of physical and legal custody; however, this does not mean that a grandparent will be awarded both legal and physical custody of their grandchild. What this means is that a grandparent can have physical custody of their custody, but power of attorney could be awarded to another relative or the child’s other parent.To reiterate, the details of grandparents taking custody of a grandchild will vary from state to state. This includes how much it will cost to adopt the grandchild. On average, independent adoption costs between $8,000 and $40,000. Grandparents should expect to pay around $10,000 to $15,000.

Can I Stop the Adoption of My Grandchild?

Most grandparent adoptions are considered to be kinship adoptions, and as such are considered to be open adoptions. Under an open adoption, the grandparent may permit interaction between the child and the parents.

However, the circumstances will determine the amount of allowable interaction. There are some grandparent adoptions that are considered to be closed, meaning there is no interaction or contact between the child and their parents. Closed adoptions are generally allowed when it is necessary to protect the child from harm, such as if the child’s parent has an established history of abuse or mistreatment. In terms of practicality, the grandparent must be willing to cut any contact with the parent for the security and safety of their grandchild.

Whether a grandparent can stop the adoption of their grandchild will depend on their state. The court may be required to notify all grandparents of the grandchild’s pending adoption, and may allow the grandparents to legally object. It is important to remember that unless it is in the best interest of the child, the court will generally not deny the adoption.

It is equally important to remember that while adoption may terminate the child’s formal relationship with their biological parent, this does not mean that those grandparents are also erased. While the child may not be able to inherit property directly if the grandparent passes away, grandparents may still maintain a relationship with their grandchild with the permission of the adoptive parents.

If you have a happy married life, you might never see a family lawyer, but if you don’t, there are healthy chances of you seeing one. Every year hundreds of couples part their ways with or without the help of a family lawyer. Divorce undoubtedly provides a peaceful exit from meaningless and painful courtships, but for kids, the tough times have just begun. Getting the custody of the children after a divorce is generally a tough row to hoe. In some cases, the custody can be awarded to the grandparents too. This happens only if the court thinks that this is in the child’s best interest.

Pre-Requisites for Adopting a Grandchild

Adopting a grandchild isn’t easy. A lot of thinking, paperwork and restless nights go down to successfully adopt your grandchildren. While taking advice from a leading law firm in your vicinity is always advised, however, exploring more info so as to strengthen your case is also a great practice. Following are some points which must be in the knowledge of those people who are interested to adopt their grandchildren.

1. The first and the primary condition in such a scenario is that both, father and mother of the children should agree that the children’s grandparents can adopt them. This is extremely important according to the law that the actual parents of the children agree to this fact since they have all the right to decide upon their fate.
2. If one of the parents doesn’t agree upon granting guardianship of their children to their grandparents, the matter taken to the court. In the court, you can fight your case either by yourself or through a family lawyer.

The court then evaluates all the points related to the case and then makes a decision that’s best for the kids.

3. There might also be a situation where the children do not feel like living with the grandparents. The reason could be anything which makes the children unlikely to share space with their grandparents. In that case, the court will favour the statement given by the children and the custody won’t be awarded to the grandparents.

4. Grandparents are generally retired and hence there is a good possibility of them facing some sort of financial crunch. In that case, adopting another life whose expenses will only grow with time can make their situation worse. The court will thus also measure how much support you are able to rake in for your grandchild.

5. Financial stability is extremely important is a ‘must’ when it comes to adoption. If the court finds that the grandparents have limited resources to take care of their grandchild, then they might also announce certain special provisions. These financial provisions will be paid by the government or actual parents of the children.

Here are seven things you can do to navigate the additional challenges that come with being a grand family:
1. Gain temporary custody (also known as temporary guardianship) in case of medical emergencies. If you aren’t the children’s legal guardian, you’ll want to get a custodial consent form so that you are able to handle any medical emergencies that may occur. The temporary custody form will need to be signed by the legal guardians/parents and notarized. You could also have the parents give you power of attorney, but in many states the consent form is all you need. Eventually, this could be a step on the path to getting permanent custody of a grandchild or grandchildren.
2. Make sure your grandchildren have health insurance. If the children aren’t covered by a parent’s health insurance and you are employed, check with your employer to see if your legal situation makes it possible to add them to your health insurance. Otherwise the children may qualify for Medicaid or your state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program.
3. Learn what you need to do to enroll kids in school. If you have power of attorney, then you should be able to enroll your grandchildren tuition-free in your local public schools. Some states also have education consent laws, which means you can show the consent form (that also applies to medical care in #1) and be allowed to enroll your grandkids in school.
4. Take advantage of tax credits. If your grandchild meets the IRS definition of a “qualifying child” (lives with you more than half of the days in a year, provides less than half of his or her own financial support and is under the age of 19 or a full-time student under age 24) you could qualify for several tax credits.
5. Look into financial support options. Raising children is expensive, and if you are on a fixed income or already retired, you may want to look into ways to get additional money to provide for your grandchildren’s needs. Ideally, if the parents are able, they should be sharing financial responsibilities and contributing monthly to expenses. If parents aren’t able or willing to provide support, you can also look into federal or state programs that provide assistance, such as the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. Qualifications and benefits vary by state.
6. Update your will and estate plans. As a grandparent, your estate planning will allow you to legally distribute your financial assets to your grandchildren and name someone to manage the assets if your grandchildren are minors. If your grandchildren are minors, you will also want to make sure and name legal guardians for them (if you are currently their legal guardian), otherwise the state would get to decide who cares for the children in the event of your passing.

Should I Hire Utah Lawyer If I Want to Adopt My Grandchild?

If you are concerned about your grandchild’s wellbeing and wish to adopt them, you should consult with an experienced local adoption lawyer. Because the process differs so greatly from state to state, you will want to work with an attorney who is local to you as they can best adhere to your state’s specific laws. Your attorney can also help you determine what your legal options are. Finally, an attorney can also represent you in court, as necessary.

Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer

It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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