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Tired of Paying Alimony?

As an alimony lawyer, I’m often asked about how to stop alimony. They say “Alimony is forever” — or is it? In many cases, people are ordered by the Court to pay alimony for years and years into the future. In most cases, this can amount to thousands and thousands of dollars being paid out to an ex-spouse. Understanding alimony, how it works, and how it can be terminated is critical! This common question is one many divorcee have, and it is a question that has to be answered on a case-by-case basis. Alimony awarded by a Utah family law court may or may not be permanent, and determining the permanence of alimony may be difficult for individuals without legal backgrounds.

Tired of Paying Alimony

When Can a Utah Court Terminate Alimony?

Under Utah law, a family law court can rule for the termination of alimony due to any one of the following scenarios:

  • Death: When either party dies, alimony payments cease.
  • Cohabitation: If the alimony recipient lives with a new partner, or is cohabitating with an individual, alimony can be terminated.
  • Remarriage: When a party receiving alimony remarries, he or she will no longer be eligible to receive alimony payments from a former spouse.
  • Expiration: Alimony generally cannot last longer than the marriage. Therefore, if a couple was married for 20 years, the court generally will not award alimony longer than that period of time.

How We Help Our Clients

Although the list of the four above scenarios seems simple, proving a change after your divorce may be difficult without the help of an experienced alimony termination lawyer. Out of the above-mentioned options, the most common alimony termination option is “cohabitation.” This is an excellent way to terminate alimony to an ex-spouse. If you think this may be going on, we have a team of experienced attorneys, professionals and private investigators who work together in a collaborative and efficient format to terminate your alimony obligation to your ex-spouse. We have helped countless individuals in this type of situation and are extremely experienced and aggressive on achieving the best possible results for our clients.

If you believe your ex-spouse is involved in cohabitation give us a call today to discuss how to terminate your alimony obligation! We help our clients prove cohabitation or handle the legal aspects of presenting death or marriage certificates to the court while providing the answers they need to their alimony-related questions.

Domestic Violence And Protective Order Attorneys

Domestic violence is a serious matter that drastically affects family law issues. Accusations of domestic violence can affect custody, visitation and more. Whether you are seeking protection or facing domestic violence-related charges, it is imperative that you are represented by an experienced family lawyer.

Orders Of Protection

Any party can seek to obtain an order of protection if there has been allegations of abuse, domestic violence or an imminent threat of harm. This includes verbal abuse, disorderly conduct, physical abuse and more. An order for protection affects custody, visitation and effectively removes your spouse from the home for 150 days. In any situation, it is important that you are represented by an attorney who has in-depth knowledge of the law and knows how to approach matters involving domestic violence, including assault, battery and more.

Lawyers On Your Side

We recognize that family law matters can quickly become heated. Our goal is to gather a full understanding of the situation so we can best represent your interests in court. We are aggressive when advocating for our clients, yet we are compassionate and understanding when working with clients.

Can Facebook And Other Social Media Networks Affect Divorce?

In recent years, Facebook, Twitter and many other social media networks have become part of divorce proceedings in Utah and all across the country. As public domains, the information contained in social media accounts can be subpoenaed and, thus, can affect divorce settlements.

Using Facebook As Evidence

Facebook can be a valuable source of tangible evidence to use in many cases, most commonly in a divorce or family law case. In these situations we often find evidence on Facebook of adultery, affairs, cohabitation, etc. All of these are critical legal issues in every divorce or family law case. Additionally, Facebook has provided us a significant amount of evidence regarding what people do with their time and money, which also plays an important and critical role in divorce cases, especially on the issue of alimony.

We have a comprehensive approach that allows us to dig into many different social networking sites to obtain additional evidence and information for our clients. Our approach is aggressive, but generally gets extremely positive results for our clients.

Guiding Our Clients In Using Social Media

Not only do we ensure the social media accounts belonging to our clients’ spouses will be investigated, when necessary, to use as evidence of wrongdoing, but we also ensure our clients use their accounts wisely.

Free Consultation with an Alimony Lawyer

When you need legal advice from an Alimony Attorney, call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We will help you.

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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Ascent Law
At Ascent Law, we understand that navigating the complexities of the legal field can feel overwhelming. You need more than just legal advice – you need results from a law firm you can trust. We’re here to help. At Ascent Law, our team of dedicated attorneys is focused on serving individuals, families, and businesses in Utah with integrity, compassion, and a deep commitment to securing the best outcomes for our clients.