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Automobile Accident Lawsuits

Automobile Accident Lawsuits

Each driver has the obligation to hold his vehicle under appropriate control and to drive in a way so he may abstain from crashing into different autos. More often than not the shortcoming of the mishap lies with the driver included. Be that as it may, there are conditions when others might be careless and at risk for the mischief caused. These gatherings incorporate, yet are not constrained to, the state or region which looks after streets, extensions and signs; automobile producers; and upkeep and fix shops.
The law licenses you to look for recuperation after a mishap to “make you entire once more.” The principle idea is that you ought to be remunerated in a way that, as best as the law can mastermind, places you back in a similar position as you were before the mishap. In endeavoring to make an individual entire, the law perceives that harms from a car crash can come in numerous structures; lost wages, restorative costs, agony and enduring, scarring, distortion, loss of procuring limit and a companion’s loss of consortium, or loss of the administrations, society and closeness of the relationship.

You’ve probably heard that most car accident cases settle well before any court trial. That’s very true. Many even settle before a lawsuit is even filed. But that isn’t always the case (no pun intended). If the parties can’t agree on a key issue or two — who was at fault for the car accident, the extent of the claimant’s injuries, and so on — then sometimes the only way to get things moving is to go to court and get the lawsuit process started.

Initiating Your Case

Filing the Complaint. A civil court lawsuit starts when you — the “plaintiff” — file your initial document, usually called a “Complaint.” This archive spreads out each component of the body of evidence you are making against the other driver. You’ll completely distinguish the parties associated with the case, express the realities on which your charges are based, and after that spread out and bolster the component of every one of your cases. Each case is normally alluded to as a “reason for the activity.” For instance, in a run of the mill fender bender claim, the offended party may bring separate reasons for the activity for carelessness, agony and enduring, and careless punishment of passionate pain. Your Complaint will likewise ordinarily request a specific dollar sum as pay for harms (once in a while called a “Supplication for Relief”).

Pretrial Procedures

When the underlying archives have been recorded in a claim over an auto collision, the case continues to the disclosure stage, where the different sides trade data in a forward and backward procedure that incorporates composed inquiries and answers (interrogatories), up close and personal addressing in which answers are given after swearing to tell the truth (depositions), and solicitations for reports (including the medical records that detail your car accident injuries) . Remember that casual settlement exchanges will likely go on while the court-based claim procedure is occurring, so your fender bender case could get settled whenever.

Car Accident Injuries

Some car accident injuries may resolve within a matter of days without any medical treatment at all. More serious injuries might become permanent and result in some level of physical disability.

The type and severity of injuries suffered by drivers and passengers involved in a car accident depend on factors that include:
• Was the person wearing a seat belt?
• Did the person’s car get hit from the rear, side or front?
• Was the occupant facing straight ahead in the seat? Or was the person’s head or body turned in a certain direction?
• Was it a low-speed collision or a high-speed crash?
• Did the car have airbags?

There are two broad categories of injuries caused by car accidents:

1) Impact injuries,

and (2) penetrating injuries.

Impact injuries are typically caused when part of the person’s body hits some part of the interior of the car. Often this can be a knee hitting a dashboard or the head hitting the seat rest or the side window.

Penetrating injuries are typically cuts and scrapes. Shattering glass or loose objects flying inside the car on impact often cause these types of injuries.


Interrogatories are a list of questions (typically 30 or so) that can be sent to the opposing party in the lawsuit. Courts usually limit interrogatories to 30 or 45 at a time in order to avoid a party unnecessarily harassing the other side with hundreds of irrelevant questions. Interrogatories are available to each side. So, the Plaintiff can send a set of interrogatories to the Defendant, and vice versa.

It is very important to understand that the party receiving the interrogatories answers the questions under oath, and usually must do so within 30 days or so. If the party answering the interrogatories knowingly gives false information, the party can be subject to civil and criminal penalties for perjury.

Typical questions covered in interrogatories served by the Defendant upon the Plaintiff might include:

• What type of injuries are you claiming?
• How much in lost wages are you claiming?
• List all medical treatment you’ve received since the accident.
• List all medical treatment you’ve received in the 10 years prior to the accident.
• Are you aware of any witnesses to the accident?
• State how the accident occurred.
• List all medications you were taking at the time of the accident.
• Have you ever been married? If so, state the dates of all marriages and the contact information for each spouse and ex-spouse.
• List all jobs you’ve ever held since the age of 18.
• Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? Unemployment? Workers Compensation? Disability?
• Have you ever been treated for depression? Substance abuse?

Automobile: Personal Injury Claim

On the off chance that you have been harmed in an incident because of another gathering’s carelessness, you may make individual damage guarantee for pay. Individual damage case is a common law activity that looks for remuneration for harms endured or supported by an injured individual. Individual damage cases can be assorted, running from vehicle and cruiser mishaps, open obligation claims for slips and falls in an open space, to businesses’ risk claims for mishaps at work and modern sickness claims for introduction to unsafe items. Regularly, fruitful individual damage guarantee emerges because of proof of carelessness for the benefit of the other party.

The estimation of individual damage cases can likewise shift broadly, from littler cases of $3,000 to multi-million-dollar claims for cataclysmic wounds. Calamitous damage is one that outcomes in perpetual inability, dependable therapeutic issues, a diminished personal satisfaction or decreased future. The treatment and follow up consideration for such cases will in general be costly, requiring rehashed systems, enduring, and nonstop consideration and normally weakens an individual’s personal satisfaction and capacity to help them.

Calamitous wounds can imply that you are never again ready to work, need adjustments or debilitated offices in your home and your vehicle and potentially some dimension of consideration, physiotherapy or treatment for a mind-blowing remainder. This all should be determined precisely, including remittances for the adjustment in financing costs all through an amazing time.

Instances of disastrous wounds incorporate those including removals, weakening cerebrum wounds or long haul consumes wounds.


Another method to obtain information relevant to a car accident case is through depositions. In a deposition, a party (usually through an attorney) is allowed to ask oral questions of another person who has information that is pertinent to something having to do with the car accident.

Depositions may be taken of a variety or persons including
• the drivers of the cars involved in the accident
• passengers who were riding in the cars involved in the accident
• witnesses to the accident
• doctors who provided medical treatment to the parties
• Investigating police officers.
There really is no limit to the types of persons who can be deposed as part of a car accident lawsuit. Typically, the only requirement is that the deponent possess information related to the lawsuit.

Jury Selection in a Car Accident Trial

In many states, a jury (instead of a judge) chooses the key issues in a fender bender case. The jury is regularly included twelve people, however here and there that number can be lower.
The main phase of the preliminary is called voir critical, and it is amid this phase the jury individuals are chosen. In this stage, potential attendants are posed a progression of inquiries with the goal that the legal advisors and the judge can become familiar with them. The motivation behind the inquiries is to decide whether the individual has any predispositions or biases that may shield them from being reasonable and fair-minded.

Automobile accident Insurance Law in Utah

Utah is one of a few that has a no-fault insurance system for car collisions. When you get into a car accident, one of you will be to blame. In customary flaw expresses, no gathering would get any cash for either their property harm guarantee or their substantial damage guarantee until a shortcoming was resolved. The insurance agency of the to blame driver would pay every last bit of it. In No-shortcoming states, property harm remains an issue. Car collision unfortunate casualties can have their property harm guarantee dealt with by their very own protection supplier, yet their insurance agency will inevitably be repaid by the to blame gathering’s insurance agency. The distinction becomes possibly the most important factor for the real damage asserts in no-shortcoming states. The damages available for those claims fair exceeds property damage claims. When you have a bodily injury claim, you may be entitled to recover general damages such as pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life in addition to any wage loss damages. All those amount would be in addition to the total special damages—medical bills. In no fault states. Each party’s own insurance provider pays for the initial medical bills. The victim only has a claim against the at-fault party once a statutory threshold amount has been exceeded by medical bills. In the great state of Utah, that amount is $3,000. That means that if your medical bills do not exceed $3,000, you do not have a personal injury claim and you are precluded from filing suit.

In turn, that means that if you are the victim of an auto accident in Utah, you carry the burden of having your own insurance pay for your medical bills until you exceed the PIP amount (Personal Injury Protection.) Once that amount has been exceeded by your own provider, then you have a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company. Once you settle your case or obtain a judgment, your own insurance provider is reimbursed for the $3,000 they spent on your behalf.

This system shifts the burden of carrying proper insurance onto the injured party in the case of minor accidents. It also prevents very minor claims from being able to receive large awards, and more importantly, it keeps the court system from being overrun with frivolous claims. With the system that Utah has in place, if your damages are high enough that they meet threshold, you absolutely should consider finding yourself best auto mobile lawyer available. The logic behind that statement is that if you are the victim of an accident that was not your fault, and you have to waste your time receiving medical treatment worth over a value of $3,000, why should your insurance bear the initial cost and you personally bear all the rest? What kind of world would that be? A very unfair one. A world where there is no accountability and no one pays for their actions or helps their neighbor.

Insurance is constantly offered to you as an extra when you are leasing a vehicle. Paying for this protection might be a smart thought. There are various approaches to ensure that you have the inclusion you need.

Some people don’t understand that your very own accident-insurance strategy concerns you regardless of what vehicle you are talking about the time. This implies truly, your very own accident insurance policy applies to you when you are driving a rental vehicle. Along these lines, on the off chance that you are incredible inclusion all alone accident protection plan, implying that you have far-reaching inclusion on your vehicle and risk inclusion with satisfactory cutoff points for harm that you cause to other people, at that point there is actually no compelling reason to include the additional protection offered by the rental vehicle organization. The main genuine disadvantage to utilizing your very own collision protection is that you regularly have a deductible on property harm that you cause to your own vehicle, that deductible would, in any case, apply to the rental circumstance. All things considered, in the event that you have a decent arrangement all alone vehicle, your hazard would be properly decreased even in a rental circumstance. In this way, for most of the individuals, paying the additional expense to protect your rental vehicle may not be justified, despite all the trouble.

Another route that you have to make sure your rental car is insured is to simply use your credit card to book the rental. Many credit cards have built in rental car insurance that is offered at no additional cost at all. Even if you do not get it for free with your card, you can likely get it through them at a cheaper rate than you could at the car rental company. However, one point to keep in mind is that you should always have a paper copy of the rental insurance policy you have so that there are no disputes later if an accident actually occurred.
There are additionally obligation supplements. The presence of these is maybe all the more astounding. On the off chance that you are stressed that your risk cutoff points are excessively low without anyone else arrangement, why not simply raise it as opposed to including an enhancement when you lease a vehicle? It is safe to say that you are bound to make damage others while you are driving the rental vehicle? Likewise, remember that on the off chance that you are uninsured; the rental vehicle organization is required to guarantee you with the state least measure of obligation inclusion before giving you a chance to take the vehicle. That cost is incorporated with the expense of the rental since you can’t quit it.

Car Accident Lawyer Free Consultation

If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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Ascent Law
At Ascent Law, we understand that navigating the complexities of the legal field can feel overwhelming. You need more than just legal advice – you need results from a law firm you can trust. We’re here to help. At Ascent Law, our team of dedicated attorneys is focused on serving individuals, families, and businesses in Utah with integrity, compassion, and a deep commitment to securing the best outcomes for our clients.